"Eventually everything connects - people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se" Charles Eames

Daily find: You can LOOK COOL

Posted: Feb 25, 2011 | Posted by ana | Labels: , , ,

I've this fixation with vintage letters. I love them on any size, any material & any color. I found this cool set of Vintage Oak Wood Letters on Etsy and as you can see you can arrange the four letters to write LOOK or KOOL {although Cool is writen with a C}, I think the concept is great?

My personal fixation is with letter A, the reason is simple, my name starts with an A, so does the name of my daughters & husband. Our surnames, mine & my husband's also start with an A. Is a huge coincidence that my name & my husband's name & surname starts with an A, don't you think?

What about you? Do you fancy about any particular letter?

{credit: Niftic}


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